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MEM12-C. Consider using a Goto-Chain when leaving a function on error when using and releasing resources Comment: Rule 48. Miscellaneous (MSC) > Re: Rule 48. Miscellaneous (MSC) (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
MEM32-C. Detect and handle memory allocation errors Comment: MEM11-C. Do not assume infinite heap space > Re: MEM11-C. Do not assume infinite heap space (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
MSC02-C. Avoid errors of omission Comment: API04-C. Provide a consistent and usable error-checking mechanism > Re: API04-C. Provide a consistent and usable error-checking mechanism (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
MSC06-C. Be aware of compiler optimization when dealing with sensitive data Comment: MSC18-C. Be careful while handling sensitive data, such as passwords, in program code > Re: MSC18-C. Be careful while handling sensitive data, such as passwords, in program code (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
Comment: MEM03-C. Clear sensitive information stored in reusable resources > Re: MEM03-C. Clear sensitive information stored in reusable resources (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
MSC12-C. Detect and remove code that has no effect Comment: SIG01-C. Understand implementation-specific details regarding signal handler persistence > Re: SIG01-C. Understand implementation-specific details regarding signal handler persistence (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
MSC34-C. Do not use deprecated or obsolete functions Comment: MSC33-C. Do not pass invalid data to the asctime() function > Re: MSC33-C. Do not pass invalid data to the asctime() function (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
POS03-C. Do not use volatile as a synchronization primitive Comment: CON01-C. Acquire and release synchronization primitives in the same module, at the same level of abstraction > Re: CON01-C. Acquire and release synchronization primitives in the same module, at the same level of abstraction (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
PRE03-C. Prefer typedefs to defines for encoding types Comment: API03-C. Create consistent interfaces and capabilities across related functions > Re: API03-C. Create consistent interfaces and capabilities across related functions (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
Comment: PRE00-C. Prefer inline or static functions to function-like macros > Re: PRE00-C. Prefer inline or static functions to function-like macros (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
PRE10-C. Wrap multi-statement macros in a do-while loop Comment: EXP19-C. Use braces for the body of an if, for, or while statement > Re: EXP19-C. Use braces for the body of an if, for, or while statement (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
Comment: EXP19-C. Use braces for the body of an if, for, or while statement > Re: EXP19-C. Use braces for the body of an if, for, or while statement (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
Comment: EXP19-C. Use braces for the body of an if, for, or while statement > Re: EXP19-C. Use braces for the body of an if, for, or while statement (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
Comment: EXP19-C. Use braces for the body of an if, for, or while statement > Re: EXP19-C. Use braces for the body of an if, for, or while statement (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
PRE31-C. Avoid side-effects in arguments to unsafe macros Comment: PRE12-C. Do not define unsafe macros > Re: PRE12-C. Do not define unsafe macros (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
Comment: PRE00-C. Prefer inline or static functions to function-like macros > Re: PRE00-C. Prefer inline or static functions to function-like macros (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
Roelker 2004 Comment: MSC10-C. Character encoding: UTF8-related issues > Re: MSC10-C. Character encoding: UTF8-related issues (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
SIG31-C. Do not access or modify shared objects in signal handlers Comment: DCL22-C. Use volatile for data that cannot be cached > Re: DCL22-C. Use volatile for data that cannot be cached (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
SIG32-C. Do not call longjmp() from inside a signal handler Comment: SIG30-C. Call only asynchronous-safe functions within signal handlers > Re: SIG30-C. Call only asynchronous-safe functions within signal handlers (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
STR35-C. Do not copy data from an unbounded source to a fixed-length array Comment: FIO37-C. Do not assume that fgets() or fgetws() returns a nonempty string when successful > Re: FIO37-C. Do not assume that fgets() or fgetws() returns a nonempty string when successful (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
strongly Comment: Rule 48. Miscellaneous (MSC) > Re: Rule 48. Miscellaneous (MSC) (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
unknown Comment: DCL12-C. Implement abstract data types using opaque types > Re: DCL12-C. Implement abstract data types using opaque types (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
Comment: MSC38-C. Do not treat a predefined identifier as an object if it might only be implemented as a macro > Re: MSC38-C. Do not treat a predefined identifier as an object if it might only be implemented as a macro (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
Comment: PRE12-C. Do not define unsafe macros > Re: PRE12-C. Do not define unsafe macros (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
Comment: FIO47-C. Use valid format strings > Re: FIO47-C. Use valid format strings (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
Comment: EXP40-C. Do not modify constant objects > Re: EXP40-C. Do not modify constant objects (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
and approximately 2 more…
van de Voort 07 Comment: INT00-C. Understand the data model used by your implementation(s) > Re: INT00-C. Understand the data model used by your implementation(s) (SEI CERT C Coding Standard)
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