On this wiki page, we will occasionally publish versions of the SCAIFE/SCALe manual from Lori's research project.

During SCAIFE/SCALe development, we update this manual in markdown (.md) files within the scale.app code repository, as we develop the code.

Sometimes we want to publicly share a more recent version of the manual, even when it's premature to share that version of the scale.app codebase.  That's what this page is for. 

The manual explains our design, rationales, and features in a way that helps us talk with potential collaborators and others about our work. We hope it will help you, and we welcome feedback on it. 

The plan for the table below is to identify which specific version that the particular manual(s) distributed here belong to.

That way, you can double-check our public distribution on GitHub (https://github.com/cmu-sei/SCALe/tree/scaife-scale making sure to use branch scaife-scale ) and grab a more recent public version if one exists. If you are a research collaborator, we can get you the most recent version, which might be later than versions posted even here. 

SCAIFE versionSCALe versionSCALe branch nameDate published hereHTMLMarkdown


minnowSept 30, 2020
