The Object.wait() method is used to temporarily cede possession of a lock so that another requesting thread can proceed. It must always be used inside a synchronized block or method. To resume activity, the requesting thread must notify the waiting thread. Moreover, the wait() method should be invoked in a loop that checks if a condition predicate holds.

The invocation of notify() or notifyAll() in another thread cannot precisely determine which waiting thread must be resumed. A condition predicate statement is used so that the correct thread resumes when it receives a notification. A condition predicate also helps when a thread is required to block until a condition becomes true, for instance, when it cannot proceed without obtaining some data from an input stream.

synchronized (object) {
  while (<condition does not hold>) {

  // Proceed when condition holds

Two properties come into the picture:

To guarantee liveness, the while loop condition should be tested before invoking the wait() method. This is because the condition might have already been made true by some other thread which indicates that a notify signal may have already been sent from the other thread. Invoking the wait() method after the notify signal has been sent is futile and results in an infinitely blocked state.

To guarantee _safety_, the {{while}} loop condition must be tested even after the call to {{wait()}}. While {{wait()}} is meant to block indefinitely until a notification is received, this practice is recommended because: \[[Bloch 01|AA. Java References#Bloch 01]\] 

Because of these reasons, it is indispensable to check the condition using a loop, after wait() is called.

Similarly, the {{await()}} method of interface {{Condition}} must also be invoked inside a loop. According to the Java API \[[API 06|AA. Java References#API 06]\], Interface {{Condition}}:

When waiting upon a Condition, a "spurious wakeup" is permitted to occur, in general, as a concession to the underlying platform semantics. This has little practical impact on most application programs as a Condition should always be waited upon in a loop, testing the state predicate that is being waited for. An implementation is free to remove the possibility of spurious wakeups but it is recommended that applications programmers always assume that they can occur and so always wait in a loop.

Newer code should use the java.util.concurrent concurrency utilities as opposed to the wait/notify mechanism, however, legacy code may require use of these methods.

Noncompliant Code Example

This noncompliant code example invokes the wait() method inside a traditional if block and fails to check the post condition after the notification (accidental or malicious) is received. This means that the thread can wake up when it is not supposed to.

synchronized(object) {
  if(<condition does not hold>)
  //proceed when condition holds

Compliant Solution

This compliant solution encloses the wait() method in a while loop and as a result checks the condition during both pre and post wait() invocation times.

// The condition predicate guards a lock on the shared object/variable
synchronized (object) {
  while (<condition does not hold>) {

  // Proceed when condition holds

Likewise, if the await() method of the java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition interface is implemented, it should be enclosed in a loop.

Risk Assessment

To guarantee liveness and safety, the wait() and await() methods should always be called inside a while loop.




Remediation Cost



CON18- J






Automated Detection


Related Vulnerabilities

Search for vulnerabilities resulting from the violation of this rule on the CERT website.


\[[API 06|AA. Java References#API 06]\] [Class Object|]
\[[Bloch 01|AA. Java References#Bloch 01]\] Item 50: Never invoke wait outside a loop
\[[Lea 00|AA. Java References#Lea 00]\] 3.2.2 Monitor Mechanics, 1.3.2 Liveness
\[[Goetz 06|AA. Java References#Goetz 06]\] Section 14.2, Using Condition Queues

CON17-J. Avoid using ThreadGroup APIs      11. Concurrency (CON)      CON19-J. Notify all waiting threads instead of a single thread