The Perl rules and recommendations in this wiki are a work in progress and reflect the current thinking of the secure coding community. Because this is a development website, many pages are incomplete or contain errors. As rules and recommendations mature, they are published in report or book form as official releases. These releases are issued as dictated by the needs and interests of the secure software development community.

Create a sign-in account if you want to comment on existing content. If you wish to be more involved and directly edit content on the site, you still need an account, but you'll also need to request edit privileges. 

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Contact us if you

  • have questions about the Secure Coding wiki
  • have recommendations for standards in development
  • want to request privileges to participate in standards development

We acknowledge the contributions of the following folks, and we look forward to seeing your name here as well.  

Link to guidelines using the Tiny Link under Tools→Link to this Page... (This URL will not change if the name of the guideline changes.) 

  • To eliminate a section from the lists above, label it section and void.
  • To have a section listed as a recommendation, label it section and recommendation.
  • To have a section listed as a rule, label it section and rule.