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SEC00-A. Do not allow exceptions to transmit sensitive information
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Root decorator: all decisions about how a page is to be decorated via the
inline decoration begins here.

Switch based upon the context. However, for now, just delegate to a decorator
identified directly by the context.

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Unknown macro: { var imgID = ( ? "id='" + + "' " }

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Unknown macro: { margin}

/Overwritten styles in the main.css/

Unknown macro: { border}


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Unknown macro: { checkbox.disabled=false; checkbox.checked=false;'black'; }


Unknown macro: { checkbox.disabled=true; checkbox.checked = true;'lightgrey'; }



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name="originalVersion" value="2" /> <input
name="originalContent" value="Propagating the content of exceptions without performing explicit filtering is often associated with information leakage. An attacker may craft input parameters such that underlying structures and mechanisms may get exposed inadvertently.

Noncompliant Code Example

This example demonstrates code that accepts a file name as an input argument on which operations are to be performed. An attacker can gain insights on the underlying file system structure by repeatedly passing different paths to fictitious files. When a file is not found, the FileInputStream constructor throws a FileNotFoundException. Other risks such as revelation of the user's home directory and as a result the user name also manifest themselves.


class exception {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
    FileInputStream dis = new FileInputStream("c:\\" + args[1]);

Compliant Solution

Information leakage can result from both the exception message text and the type of exception. With FileNotFoundException, the message reveals the file system layout while the type conveys the absence of the file. The same exception must be caught while taking special care to sanitize the message before propagating it to the caller. In cases where the exception type itself can reveal too much, consider throwing a different exception (with a different message) altogether.


class exception {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      FileInputStream dis = new FileInputStream("c:\\" + args[1]);
    catch(FileNotFoundException fnf) { 
      System.out.println("Error: Operation could not be performed"); 
    } //sanitized message

Risk Assessment





Remediation Cost









Automated Detection



Secure coding in Java" /> <input
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Unknown macro: { showLocationDiv(); }


Unknown macro: { hideLocationDiv(); }

return false;


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> <span id="parent_content">00. Security (SEC)</span>
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<option value="cplusplus" >C++ Secure Coding Practices</option>
<option value="java" selected>java</option>
<option value="seccode" >Secure Coding</option>
<option value="SD" >Secure Design</option>
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Parent Page
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Unknown macro: { textAreaObject.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); }


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Unknown macro: { // for netscape, mozilla, gecko t.sel = t.value.substr(t.selectionStart, t.selectionEnd - t.selectionStart); t.sel1 = t.value.substr(0, t.selectionStart); t.sel2 = t.value.substr(t.selectionEnd); currentForm.selectedText.value = t.sel; }

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Unknown macro: { currentForm.elements['content'].focus(); }

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Unknown macro: { // ignore }

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Unknown macro: { $('helptd').style.display = 'table-cell'; }

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Unknown macro: { // IE throws exception with invalid display type, so // we'll use the incorrect value of 'block' $('helptd').style.display = 'block'; }

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Unknown macro: { $('linkinserters').style.display = 'block'; }

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Unknown macro: { $('helptd').style.display = 'none'; }

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Unknown macro: { $('linkinserters').style.display = 'none'; }


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Unknown macro: { $('preview').style.display = 'block'; $('previewTab').className = 'current'; }


Unknown macro: { $('preview').style.display = 'none'; $('previewTab').className = ''; }


function setRichTextDefault(value)

Unknown macro: { AjaxUserProfileEditor.setPreferenceUserEditWysiwyg(value); $('makeRichTextDefault').style.display = 'none'; $('makeMarkupDefault').style.display = 'none'; }

function showWaitImage(flag)

Unknown macro: { $('wysiwygWaitImage').style.visibility = (flag ? 'visible' }

function reply_setTextArea(s)

Unknown macro: { showWaitImage(false); setMode('markup'); if (s != null) $('markupTextarea').value = s; }

function reply_setEditorValue(s)

Unknown macro: { showWaitImage(false); setMode('richtext'); setEditorValue(s); }

function reply_setPreviewArea(s)

Unknown macro: { showWaitImage(false); setMode('preview'); $('previewArea').innerHTML = s; }


  • Set up the page for rich text or markup editing
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Unknown macro: { showRichText(true); showMarkup(false); showPreview(false); }

if (mode == 'markup')

Unknown macro: { if (inRichText) showRichText(false); showMarkup(true); showPreview(false); }

if (mode == 'preview')
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Unknown macro: { // get the editor content in case we come back to wiki-markup lastKnownGoodContent = getEditorHTML() + ""; showRichText(false); }


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Unknown macro: { showMarkupDefault = true; }

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Unknown macro: { showRichTextDefault = true; }

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// Save the last edit mode in case the user changes to preview and from there to the other edit mode...
// then we will have to convert the markup to XHTML or vice verca.
var lastEditMode;

var lastKnownGoodContent = null;

function inRichTextMode()

Unknown macro: { var form = getCurrentForm(); return form.mode.value == 'richtext'; }

function changeMode(mode)
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if (mode == 'markup') // going from wysiwyg to markup
// If the current mode is preview...
if (form.mode.value == 'preview')
// Markup -> Preview -> Markup
// We don't need to do any conversion...
if(lastEditMode == 'markup')

Unknown macro: { reply_setTextArea(null); }

// WYSIWYG -> Preview -> Markup
// Convert the WYSIWYG html to wiki markup

Unknown macro: { WysiwygConverter.convertXHtmlToWikiMarkupWithoutPage(lastKnownGoodContent,contentId,reply_setTextArea); }

// WYSIWYG -> Markup, so just convert

Unknown macro: { WysiwygConverter.convertXHtmlToWikiMarkupWithoutPage(getEditorHTML() + "",contentId,reply_setTextArea); }


else if (mode == 'richtext')// going from markup to wysiwyg
var textarea = $('markupTextarea');

// If the current mode is preview...
if (form.mode.value == 'preview')
// WYSIWYG -> Preview -> WYSIWYG
// We don't need to reload or convert the contents of the tinyMCE editor
if(lastEditMode == 'richtext')

Unknown macro: { reply_setEditorValue(null); }

// Markup -> Preview -> WYSIWYG
// Convert the markup to be used with WYSIWYG

Unknown macro: { WysiwygConverter.convertWikiMarkupToXHtmlWithoutPage(textarea.value,contentId, reply_setEditorValue); }

// Markup -> WYSIWYG, so just grab the contents of the markup textarea and convert it to be used with WYSIWYG

Unknown macro: { WysiwygConverter.convertWikiMarkupToXHtmlWithoutPage(textarea.value,contentId, reply_setEditorValue); }


else // viewing the preview
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if (form.mode.value == 'richtext')

Unknown macro: { lastEditMode = 'richtext'; var html = getEditorHTML() + ""; lastKnownGoodContent = html; WysiwygConverter.convertToPreview(html,contentId, 'java', 'richtext', reply_setPreviewArea); }

// Markup -> Preview

Unknown macro: { lastEditMode = 'markup'; var textarea = $('markupTextarea'); WysiwygConverter.convertToPreview(textarea.value, contentId, 'java', 'markup', reply_setPreviewArea); }


var contentHasChangedSinceLastAutoSave = false;
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Unknown macro: { draftData.title = form.title.value; }

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Unknown macro: { draftData.spaceKey = form.newSpaceKey.value; }


Unknown macro: { draftData.spaceKey = 'java'; }

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Unknown macro: { draftData.pageVersion = parseInt(form.originalVersion.value); }

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Unknown macro: { // must call the call back even if we don't save a draft! callback(); }

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Unknown macro: { var activityResponse = activityResponses[i] var usernamelink = '<a href="/confluence/display/~' + activityResponse.userName + '">' + activityResponse.fullName + '</a>'; var lastEditDateMessage = ''; if (activityResponse.lastEditDate != null) lastEditDateMessage = '<span class="smalltext">(last edit ' + activityResponse.lastEditDate + ')</span>'; html += sep + usernamelink + ' ' + lastEditDateMessage; sep = ", "; }

$('otherUsersSpan').innerHTML = html;

Unknown macro: { $('heartbeatDiv').style.display = 'none'; }

function getCurrentForm()

Unknown macro: { return document.forms['editpageform']; }

// Fallback function for Safari to show to submit the form via JavaScript and display the preview page.
function sendFormWithPreview()

Unknown macro: { form = getCurrentForm(); // create a hidden field for the update variable var el = document.createElement("input"); el.type = "hidden"; = "preview"; = "preview"; el.value = "preview"; form.appendChild(el); form.submit(); }

// function to send the form to discard/use the draft
function sendFormDraft(flagName)
form = getCurrentForm();

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Unknown macro: { addHiddenElement(form, "spaceKey", "java"); }


Unknown macro: {draft.draftType}


function addHiddenElement(form, name, value)

Unknown macro: { var el = document.createElement("input"); el.type = "hidden"; = name; el.value = value; form.appendChild(el); }

<div id='heartbeatDiv' style="display: none;">
<table style="clear: right" cellpadding='5' width='100%' cellspacing='8px' class='noteMacro' border="0" align='center'>
<tr><td valign='top' width="1%"><img src="/confluence/images/icons/emoticons/warning.gif" width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"></td><td>
This page is being edited by <span id='otherUsersSpan'/>.

<ul class="tabnav" style="border-bottom: 0; width: 400px">
<li class="tabs">
<a id="markupTab" class="current" href="#" onClick="javascript:changeMode('markup');return false;">Wiki Markup</a>
<a id="previewTab" href="#" onClick="javascript:sendFormWithPreview();return false;">Preview</a>
<li class="nontabs" style="margin: 8px 0pt 0pt 3px"><img id="wysiwygWaitImage" style="visibility:hidden" alt="Wait Image" border=0 src="/confluence/images/icons/wait.gif"></li>

<!-- clears the floated elements above -->
<br class="after-tabnav">

<div style="background-color:#D6D6D6; border:1px solid #CCC; border-bottom:0; " id='linkinserters'>
<a style="text-decoration: none" href="#" onClick="storeTextareaBits();'/confluence/users/insertimageinpage.action?pageId=18186675&formname=editpageform&fieldname=content&mode=search','link_image_inserter', 'width=700, height=400, resizable, scrollbars=yes'); return false;" title="Insert Image">
<img src="/confluence/images/icons/confimage.gif" border="0px" title="Insert Image">

<a style="text-decoration: none" href="#" onClick="storeTextareaBits();'/confluence/users/insertlink.action?pageId=18186675&currentspace=java&formname=editpageform&fieldname=content' + (document.getElementById('selectedText').value ? '&alias=' + document.getElementById('selectedText').value : ''),'link_inserter', 'width=620, height=480, resizable, scrollbars=yes'); return false;" title="Insert Link">
<img src="/confluence/images/icons/conflink.gif" border="0px" title="Insert Link">

<script type="text/javascript">
var useWysiwyg = false;

Redefine the following two methods without calls to editorHasContentChanged()
function hasContentChanged()

Unknown macro: { return contentHasChangedSinceLastAutoSave; }

function resetContentChanged()

Unknown macro: { contentHasChangedSinceLastAutoSave = false; }


<script type="text/javascript" src="/confluence/s/1116/1/_/dwr/engine.js"></script>
<!-- request this the traditional way to fix CONF-5561 -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="/confluence/s/1116/1/_/wysiwyg-javascript"></script>
<div id="markup" >

<textarea id="markupTextarea" name="content"

tabindex="5" onclick="storeCaret(this);"
onselect="storeCaret(this); storeTextareaBits()"
style="padding:0; margin:0; width:100%; "
>Propagating the content of exceptions without performing explicit filtering is often associated with information leakage. An attacker may craft input parameters such that underlying structures and mechanisms may get exposed inadvertently.

Noncompliant Code Example

This example demonstrates code that accepts a file name as an input argument on which operations are to be performed. An attacker can gain insights on the underlying file system structure by repeatedly passing different paths to fictitious files. When a file is not found, the FileInputStream constructor throws a FileNotFoundException. Other risks such as revelation of the user's home directory and as a result the user name also manifest themselves.


class exception {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
    FileInputStream dis = new FileInputStream("c:\\" + args[1]);

Compliant Solution

Information leakage can result from both the exception message text and the type of exception. With FileNotFoundException, the message reveals the file system layout while the type conveys the absence of the file. The same exception must be caught while taking special care to sanitize the message before propagating it to the caller. In cases where the exception type itself can reveal too much, consider throwing a different exception (with a different message) altogether.


class exception {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      FileInputStream dis = new FileInputStream("c:\\" + args[1]);
    catch(FileNotFoundException fnf) { 
      System.out.println("Error: Operation could not be performed"); 
    } //sanitized message


Secure coding in Java</textarea>
<input id="selectedText" name="selectedText" type="hidden">
<!-- two hidden fields to store textarea parts for mozilla based browsers -->
<input type="hidden" name="sel1"><!-sel1: text before the selection->
<input type="hidden" name="sel2"><!-sel2: text after the selection->

<input type="hidden" name="inPreview" value="false"/>
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="markup"/>
<input type="hidden" name="xhtml" value="false"/>

<div id="preview" style="display: none ; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; background-color:white;">
<div id="previewArea" style="margin:5px;"></div>

<!-- javascript code to initialise draft and heartbeat ajax -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function (interval)

Unknown macro: { setInterval("saveDraft()", interval); }

if ('18186675' != '0')
function (interval)

Unknown macro: { setInterval("heartbeat()", interval); }


function contentChangeHandler()

Unknown macro: { contentHasChangedSinceLastAutoSave = true; }

</script> </div>
<!-- comment field and minor edit checkbox -->
<div class="inputSection">
<div style="float:right">
<input id="minorEdit" type="checkbox" name="minorEdit" value="true" />
<label for="minorEdit">
<span class="smalltext"><b>Minor change?</b> (no notifications will be sent)</span>
<span class="formtitle">Comment:</span>
<input type="text"
size="40" tabindex="6" class="monospaceInput" style="width: 50%" /> </div>

<!-- Page permissions -->
<div class="inputSection">

<!-- Copy some methods out of prototype 1.5 since we can't rev to it yet due to it causing a memory leak in jwebunit 1.2 and hence our func tests -->
<!-- this block of javascript can be removed when we rev to prototype 1.5 -->
<script type="text/javascript">
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(object)

Unknown macro: { for (var i = 0, length = this.length; i < length; i++) if (this[i] == object) return i; return -1; }

Array.prototype.without = function()
var values = $A(arguments);

Unknown macro: { return !values.include(value); }


String.prototype.strip = function()

Unknown macro: { return this.replace(/^s+/, '').replace(/s+$/, ''); }


<script type="text/javascript">

var viewPagePermissions = new PagePermissions();

var editPagePermissions = new PagePermissions();

var viewPermissionManager = new PermissionManager(PagePermissionType.VIEW);
var editPermissionManager = new PermissionManager(PagePermissionType.EDIT);
var currentPermissionManager = viewPermissionManager;

i18n[''] = 'DONE';
i18n[''] = 'EDIT';
i18n['page.perms.viewing.restricted'] = 'Viewing restricted to:';
i18n['page.perms.editing.restricted'] = 'Editing restricted to:';
i18n[''] = 'No viewing restrictions set on this page';
i18n[''] = 'No editing restrictions set on this page';
i18n['page.perms.duplicate.names'] = 'Duplicate user or group name(s):';
i18n['page.perms.invalid.entity.names'] = 'Invalid user or group name(s):';



<!-labels section->

function toggleLabels()
if($('labels_div').style.display == 'none')

Unknown macro: { $('labels_info').innerHTML = $('labelsString').value.toLowerCase(); $('labels_edit_link').innerHTML = "EDIT"; highlight($('labels_info')); }


Unknown macro: { SuggestedLabelsForEntity.viewLabels('18186675', "labels/editpage-suggestedlabels.vm", loadSuggestedLabels); $('labels_edit_link').innerHTML = "DONE"; }


function loadSuggestedLabels(ajaxResponse)
if (ajaxResponse.success)

Unknown macro: { $('suggestedLabelsSpan').innerHTML = ajaxResponse.response; }


<div id="labels_tab">
<span class="formtitle">Labels: </span><span onclick="toggleLabels()" class="inline-control-link fontSizeTiny" id="labels_edit_link">EDIT</span>
<div id="labels_info">

<div id="labels_div" class="toggleFormDiv" style="padding: 8px; display:none">
<table width="100%">
<td width="60%" valign="top">
<span class="error">
<span class="errorMessage" id="errorSpan"></span>
<input autocomplete="off" type="text" id="labelsString" name="labelsString" value="incomplete" class="monospaceInput" style="width:100%;" />
<div class="smalltext"><em>Tip:</em> Looking for a label? Just start typing.</div>
<div class="auto_complete" id="labelsAutocompleteList"></div>

<script>new Ajax.Autocompleter('labelsString', 'labelsAutocompleteList', '18186675',

Unknown macro: { tokens}

<td valign="top">
<div id="suggestedLabelsSpan" style="margin-top:5px;">


<div class="submitButtons">
tabindex="102" accessKey="s" type="submit" name="confirm" value="Save"/>  
tabindex="104" type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel"/> </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
$A(document.getElementsByClassName("submitButtons")).each(function(div) {

Unknown macro: { Event.observe(button, "click", pageFormSubmit, false); }


<td valign="top" id="helptd" style="display:block; width:200px; border-top:1px solid #CCC;">
<div style="padding-left:5px;">
<div class="rightpanel">
<div id="helpheading">
<img src="/confluence/images/icons/help_16.gif" height=16 width=16 border=0 align=absmiddle title="Help Tips">
Help Tips
<div id="helpcontent">
<b>Notation Help:</b>

(<a href="#" onClick="'/confluence/renderer/notationhelp.action','notation_help','width=780, height=580, resizable, scrollbars')">full guide</a>)

Text formatting:<br/>
<span class="smalltext">
bold » <b class="strong">bold</b><br/>
italic » <em class="emphasis">italic</em><br/>
strike » <del class="deleted">strike</del><br/>
under » <u>under</u><br/>
<span class="smalltext">

Large heading!<br />

Medium heading<br/>

Small heading...<br/>

<span class="smalltext">

  • Bulleted point<br />
  1. Numbered point<br/>
    <span class="smalltext">
    [title#anchor] » Link a page<br/>
    [dev:title#anchor] » In space with 'dev'<br/> » Remote link<br/>
    [phrase@shortcut] » Shortcut<br/>
    <b><i>Note:</i></b> [alias] » Custom link title
    <span class="smalltext">










Details and full examples are in the
<a href="/confluence/renderer/notationhelp.action" onClick=",'notation_help','width=680, height=440, resizable, scrollbars'); return false;">full notation guide »</a>
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<!-- delay the loading of large javascript files to the end so that they don't interfere with the loading of page content -->
<span style="display: none"></span>


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